DGI Brief - Dec 2, 2016
Happy Friday to all. Today's top 3 global issues #news are about #SouthKorea #Sudan and #GoodStoryFriday about #environment & #airpollution
- SOUTH KOREA’s 3 opposition parties announced a motion for the impeachment of President Park will be presented on December 9. Why it matters: The vote will require 2/3 vote in the Lower House & the opposition will have to convince at least 28 lawmakers from Park’s Saenuri party to turn on their leader, which may not prove to be difficult given that portion of the party is inclined to vote for the impeachment if Park doesn’t provide detailed plan of her resignation (peaceful transfer of power) by Dec 7. Looks like another female head of state will roll. Gender aside, another shocking leadership change won’t be good for the economy & least of all geopolitics.
- SUDAN’s National Intelligence & Security Service (NISS) continues mass confiscation of newspapers who report on anti-government protests. The call for days of civil disobedience was aimed at economic reforms that made prices of commodities skyrocket. Why it matters: Activists & human rights groups call the action by NISS the “massacre of press”. The lines crossed are staggering – lack of freedom of press, information as well as financial slaughter of the press houses. The pro-government Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) suggests the newspapers go to court to resolve the conflict. Information is power & the government is making very sure to keep its citizens powerless.
- #GoodNewsFriday The mayors of 4 major global cities – Athens, Madrid, Mexico City & Paris – agreed to implement a ban on all diesel-fueled cars & trucks by 2025 at a biennial C40 meeting of city leaders in Mexico. Why it matters: World Health Organization asserts that around 3 million deaths annually are from exposure to outdoor air pollution – in Europe, pollution kills 467,000 a year. Diesel-powered vehicles produce fine soot that is linked to cardiovascular illness & death. This commitment, likely to be followed by other world cities soon, is hugely significant for the car industry. Manufacturers will have to step up hydrogen/hybrid technologies to keep up with policies & succeed in the global market. Demands for environmental improvements are being heard everywhere.
#impeachment #PresidentPark #opposition #changeofpower #protests #freedomofpress #journalism #freedomofinformation #humanrights #activism #reforms #GoodNews #ban #dieselfuel #dieselcars #trucks #airpollution #pollution #Paris #Athens #MexicoCity #Madrid #WHO #health