Daily Global Issues Brief - March 11, 2016 (video)
DGI Brief - March 11, 2016
JAPAN: Japan commemorates 5th anniversary of devastating earthquake and tsunami that killed 18,000 people
THE MIDDLE EAST: Arab League selects a veteran Egyptian diplomat as new Secretary-General
WORLD: UN report urges disaster preparedness for 700 million urban dwellers in Asia-Pacific region
AFGHANISTAN: The Taliban splintering in Helmand Province – opportunity for reconciliation or risk of stronger ISIS?
#goodstoryFriday INDIA: Man starts street school to teach kids from slum to read and write
For more on Mr. Parmar and his students, visit https://www.facebook.com/HumansOfAbad/photos/a.1546271302332348.1073741828.1546258859000259/1548705758755569/?type=3&theater