DGI Brief - July 4, 2016
Happy Monday, everyone. Today's top 5 news on global issues are about #UK #Iraq #NATO #ElSalvador and #refugees
- UK: Prime Minister Cameron (Conservatives) will step down, Labour Party voted no confidence for their leader Jeremy Corbyn & UKIP’s Nigel Farage resigns. So, ya’ll orchestrated BREXIT & won’t step up to fix the mess. Great leaders!
- IRAQ: The suicide attack in the mostly Shiite Karada district of Baghdad is one of the worst bombings in over a decade highlighting the vulnerability of the city & security inefficiencies. But strict security measures alone won’t do the trick, greater cross-sectarian community engagement is necessary. Yes, social cohesion – the ‘hip’ term of 2014-2015.
- NATO is in midst of reinforcing its defense capabilities & role at a time when “collective” & “unity” are being challenged in Europe (& globally). Is fear the right glue we need to work together?
- With 100 killings per 100,000 residents, EL SALVADOR has been the deadliest country not at open war – mainly due to gang violence The authorities attribute the drop to tough military counteroffensive & solitary incarceration of leaders, but credit is also due to the 3 main gangs who forged a nonaggression agreement in March. It’s always about mediation.
- WORLD: The memo guides governments to work with the private sector & create working opportunities by removing or temporarily waiving work permit restrictions to address the growing abusive informal labor markets that perpetuate slavery, trafficking & criminality. Well done, UNHCR & ILO.
#Brexit #leadership #EuropeanUnion #crisis #uncertainty #powervacuum #ISIS #suicide #Baghdad #attack #security #NATO #Russia #defense #Syria #Mediterranean #gangs #violence #counteroffensive #homicide #UNHCR #ILO #refugees #workpermit #humantrafficking #slavery #forcedlabor #migrants #labor #market #opportunity