DGI Brief - June 3, 2016

Happy Friday all. Today's top 5 news on global issues: #Iraq #Israel #Palestine #foodinsecurity #Angola and #GoodStoryFriday from #Malaysia
- IRAQ: No official #s are available, but reports from w/in Fallujah paint a gruesome picture. Some 50,000 civilians, including 20,000 children are in a desperate security & humanitarian situation.
- ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN peace process revival – Arab states recognize Israel who in turn leaves occupied Palestinian territories… doing the same thing expecting different results is what?...
- WORLD: Despite higher production, global food demands are still higher than available supply. The 37 countries currently in need of external food assistance are Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Uganda, Yemen and Zimbabwe.
- ANGOLA: Due to violence on oil industry in Nigeria, Angola has become Africa’s largest oil producer – so President dos Santos sacked Sonangol’s entire board & appointed his daughter as chair. Nepotism anyone?
- #GoodStoryFriday The biggest Marine Protected Area in MALAYSIA will include areas for strict marine life protection, especially sharks who are crucial for the local ecosystems, but also for the country’s nature based tourism industry. Whatever the motivations, the move is paramount for the protection of coral reefs in the area, second largest in Malaysia http://bit.ly/1UgugiN
#Fallujah #ISIS #humanitarian #military #civilians #protectionofcivilians #peace #drought #conflict #oil #oilindustry #nepotism #marinelife #conservation #sharks #tourism #protection #coralreefs