Daily Global Issues Brief - April 28, 2016 (headlines)

Good morning, here are my top 5 news on global issues: climate change around the world, #Syria, #NorthKorea, #Nigeria and #Austria
- Lack of water and food for more than 60 million people worldwide – that is this El Niño’s legacy. The UN warns that “worse-case scenario” is likely if the $2.2 billion funding gap for aid isn’t met. Think the current migrant crisis is bad? We’ve seen nothing yet. - Syrian government perfected the “double-tap” tactic: bomb high-density civilian centers and then strike nearest hospitals/clinics leaving no emergency care. The war crime award goes to… - Nigeria and EU are discussing the replica of the EU-Turkey migrant deal where EU would provide Nigeria with financial and humanitarian aid for every migrant returned back to Nigeria. What do you think about such approach in the massive global migration?