DGI Brief - Nov 7, 2016
- CHINA’s lawmakers approved a new cyber-security law on Monday aimed at greater protection of political powers & prevention of terrorism & crime. The law requires companies – domestic & foreign – to enforce censorships, aid in investigations, & sets tighter security standards on what, how & where data can be stored. Why it matters: Human rights & business groups warn that the law exacerbates the crackdown on dissent, freedom of expression & privacy. The business concerns are that the “secure & controllable” requirements for security technology will force providers to disclose how their products work resulting in exposing trade secrets & increasing the risk of intellectual property theft.
- For over a week, INDIA’s most populous state Uttar Pradesh has been covered by sickening air pollution from a combination of sources: windless winter weather patterns that do not clear the air of smoke & pollution from diesel-burning cars, seasonal crop burning, garbage fires, stoves burning kerosene & cow dung etc. Officials shut down schools & factories & constructions sites in New Delhi & nearby cities. Why it matters: Up to 210 million people can be affected by the thick haze. The levels of air pollutants are >40x above what is considered safe by WHO & >6x above the limit set by Indian law. Industries reported that 10% of workers called in sick in the last week. Indian authorities are now faced with the crucial task of addressing air quality & cutting pollution because the adverse health effects will have serious long-term societal & economic consequences.
- FRANCE: Equality campaigners urged French women to walk out of their jobs at 16:34 (4:34pm) until the end of the year to protest the wage disparity in France & around the globe. Such action, amounting to 38.2 days off, would bring women’s pay on par to men’s who in France earn about 15.1% more than women. Why it matters: Globally, the gender pay gap is in double digits & experts say we won’t close this gap until 2186. That is 170 years from now!!! Please raise awareness, support & join the many global & national movements.
#innovation #freedom #freedomofexpression #freedomofspeech #internetfreedom #cybersecurity #internetsecurity #business #IP #intellectualproperty #tradesecrets #dissent #humanrights #toxic #airpollution #pollution #environment #cleanair #NewDelhi #crisis #shutdown #airquality #government #womensrights #womenequality #equality #equalpay #wages #wagegap #paygap #disperity #wagedisperity #empowerement #womensequality #protest #walkout #7November16H34