DGI Brief - July 8, 2016

Happy Friday to everyone. Today's top 5 global issues news are about #SouthKorea #Africa #Honduras #Germany and a #GoodStoryFriday from #Jordan
- Although location & command for the Thermal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system are unclear, the agreement signals the seriousness of North Korea as a threat. After US put sanctions on Kim Jong-un for human rights violations, North Korea called it an “open declaration of war”. China, North Korea’s ally, is caught in the middle – aware of the threat but opposed to any US military presence fearing the THAAD radars could ‘spy’ on them. The complexities of foreign policy.
- Israel’s declaration that AFRICA is a “major strategic effort”, is confirmed by the recent months’ intensified courting by India, China, South Korea and Taiwan. Israel’s bid for observer status at the AU is a smart move to be able to engage with the continent, but then again it may be simply to counter the support Palestine – a member observer since 2013 – is drumming up with especially Muslim nations.
- HONDURAS: Fervent opponent of the privatization of rivers in La Paz region (including the Aurora I dam), Ms. Lesbia Yaneth Urquia was found dead in a garbage dump. Between 2002-2014, 111 environmental activists were killed in Honduras. No profit is worth a human life.
- GERMANY’s new refugee integration laws provide German language & integration courses, cut benefits to those who do not participate. They also do limit where refugees can settle, except when they find work or training. Over the next 3 years, the $7.7 billion will go to the 16 states to help locally integrate refugees – education, job creation, daycare centers, social welfare & housing. Pretty common sense.
- #GoodStoryFriday The first environmentally sustainable Abdali Mall features solar panels, natural
heating & cooling systems, water-conserving irrigation, using local materials… It will apply for LEED certification after it opens in October. Water & energy are ultra scarce resources – Jordan spends 1/5 of its budget on energy imports, thus green economy is a vital, logical way for Jordan. Bravo.
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