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DGI Brief - June 29, 2016

Happy Wednesday to all. Today's top 5 news on global issues are about #stateofchildren #Turkey #EU #SouthSudan & the #Maldives

- The State of the WORLD’s Children 2016 does also report on great progress made over the last decades, but we must work harder on solving our global issues because current trends are not encouraging. 750 million girls will be married off as child brides? Unacceptable!

- TURKEY: Isn’t ISIS usually quick in claiming responsibility & spewing propaganda? Oh, beautiful Turkey, what’s happening to you? Even though it’s older, I highly recommend the following NYT op-ed on what happened to the “Turkish Model”

- The 27 remaining EU leaders met w/o Britain today & insisted on the 4 integral EU freedoms: the free movement of people, services, goods & finances. The UK can’t have just 3. Fascinating as it is painful.

- According to SOUTH SUDAN’s Central Bank, the country may only have 1 month of currency reserves. In the meantime, new Islamic fundamentalist rebel group is said to have formed & is fighting in Wau, the country’s northwest. Over 50 people were killed and thousands are displaced.

- The MALDIVES charged & convicted & now upheld the 13-yr prison sentence for Mohamed Nasheed, first democratically elected president, a climate change activist & now opposition leader & political exile in the UK. Democracy needs time to take root…

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