DGI Brief - June 17, 2016

Happy Friday to everyone! Today's top 5 global issues news are from #USA #Africa #EU #Pakistan and a #GoodStoryFriday from #India
- USA: The officials voiced their disagreement in a leaked memo submitted through a dissent channel in the State Department, urging more robust military engagement to counter the Assad regime with its Russian support & move towards a transitional government. I’m proud & impressed that such dissent mechanism exists – that’s freedom.
- AFRICA – The Mo Ibrahim Foundation committee, that awards the prize including $5 million over 10 years and annual $200,000 for life thereafter, couldn’t find a leader fitting criteria such as democratic election, serving of a mandated term, leaving office in last 3 years and of course demonstrated excellence in leadership. Before we snicker, each continent might have a difficulty finding a candidate.
- EU: Majority of humanitarian agencies vehemently oppose EU’s policies, in particular the EU-Turkey migrant deal, that they believe violate the International Humanitarian Law. Let’s help MSF in this important stand, please visit http://bit.ly/1UTljPx to donate.
- PAKISTAN wants to stay at the negotiating table for peace in Afghanistan, while the US & its partners see it as a pure hindrance. Couple that with the US drone killing Taliban leader on Pakistani soil, the US withholding subsidies for F-16 fighter jets & the US endorsing India for membership in Nuclear Suppliers Group & you can see how the lives of millions of innocent people easily become a bargaining chip. Sad.
- #GoodStoryFriday A wonderful initiative that allows Indian women & girls buy pads without shame & makes them affordable. Learn more http://huff.to/1ZWfzGm
#statedepartment #syria #assad #alAssad #regime #conflict #airstrikes #russia #dissent #award #leadership #excellence #democracy #donors #funding #MSF #doctorswithoutborders #refugees #refugeecrisis #migrants #migrantcrisis #Turkey #fridayfeeling #goodnews #menstruation #health #sanitation #girlsgeneration #girlsrights #womensrights #shame